Kids Need to Learn

I have been concerned that fishing and hunting are becoming dying sports because there are too few youngsters coming into the sports.

All of us fishermen have an obligation to teach the youngsters to fish. My fishing club, The Harbor Fishing Club, of Mooresville, NC. runs programs each year, taking kids out to catch their first fish.

Join a club and organize fishing activities for the kids, it's our responsibility as anglers and sportsmen.

Jake Bussolini


  1. Hi,
    I am an avid fisherman and have been since childhood. I have recently become a fan of your blog :) I have developed a line of polarized sunglasses that is affordable to everyone. I believe in the thrill and sport of fishing, more so than making any type of profit. I would be more than happy to send you a pair at no charge. Thank you for your dedicated contributions to the fishing world.

  2. I totally agree that we need to take time and think of passing knowledge to the youngsters. Besides they'll be missing out the true fun of a lot of things they should try doing aside from spending most time with gadgets and all. And Fishing is one of those things they need to know. So I really appreciate your post. Thanks for sharing!

  3. kids now days are becoming more addicted to digital life than actual world which is really a bad thing. All they want is an easy fishing and hunting games on their ipads rather than going actual fishing which is a shame.

  4. look at the kid with specs. He is standing like he is given a punishment of some kind

  5. you are doing a great job teaching the next generation about fishing and how to connect with nature. keep up the good work

  6. it looks like this kid has caught his first fish, he look damn serious

  7. that is a nice fish he caught up there. You are doing great job. I remember those days when my father and grandfather took me with them when they go fishing and I use to learn fishing from them.


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