Oregon Boater Exam

You have probably caught on by now that I consider safety to be a top priority when I am out on the water or in the woods.

Maybe it is the Eagle Scout in me, or maybe I'm hearing the echoes of many parental warnings from my youth. Perhaps you can just chalk it up to good old common sense.

You have probably seen pictures of me looking kind of goofy with a life jacket snugly strapped to my torso, as I sit in my brother's drift boat.

Even though I am not required to wear it by law, I'd rather be prepared in case I happen to take an involuntary dive over the gunwale.

I'd rather not be another name you hear on the radio on Monday morning as you drive yourself to work after I drowned in the river on Saturday. "The man was not wearing a life jacket at the time."

I've heard of too many tragedies that have taken place in hunting, fishing, and boating accidents. I don't want my wife and my son to hear that knock at the door.

Fortunately, with a little study, we can gain the knowledge necessary to significantly increase our odds at having a safe and pleasant outing.

In addition to the common-sense reasons for doing all that is possible to keep you and your family safe while on the water, there is also a legal requirement to gain some education about boating in the great State of Oregon.

All Oregon residents must carry a boater education card when operating powerboats (including personal watercraft or any motorized watercraft) greater than 10 hp.

The Oregon Boater Education Card is proof that a boater has taken and passed an approved boater education course.

It's very easy to learn what you need to know in order to pass the required exam and obtain the card.

At BoaterExam.com you will find over 150 fully narrated and interactive tutorials and practice quizzes.

At their site, you can obtain the required boating credentials for many U.S. states and Canada.

Their free online course, approved by the Oregon State Marine Board, is a great way to help you prepare to take the Oregon Boater Exam.

Once you have passed the course, you can pay online to get your Oregon Boater Education Card.

Get it done today!


  1. Funny thing, the older you get, the less you float. A PFD is not a bad thing.


  2. Shoreman,

    And I don't think any of us are getting any younger!

  3. Safety is always needed in a boating trip.
    used boat sales

  4. Thanks for your comment, Amy. Anybody need a boat?


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